The Conference will accept the submission of three types of proposal:
Papers – (15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A).
Round Tables – (90 minutes). Round Tables should include 4 to 6 papers. The person responsible for the organisation of the Round Table should: 1) collect the abstracts of each participant; 2) produce a summary abstract of the Round Table; 3) submit the proposal for the Round Table. The final 30 minutes should be reserved for an open discussion.
Workshops – (90 minutes). Workshops should be practical and interactive. The following information should be included in the abstract: 1) justification of the workshop; 2) main objectives; 3) specific objectives; 4) methodology; 5) contents.
The abstracts of all three types of proposal (in Portuguese, French, English or Spanish) should contain a maximum of 500 words (including bibliographical references) and include 3 to 5 key words. All the proposals for papers, round tables and workshops should be submitted by the 14th June 30th June 16th July, 2021, via the EasyChair platform:
In the event that you do not have an account with EasyChair, you should create one by following the instructions available here.
The submission of abstracts on the platform should follow the model provided:
Abstract model PT
Abstract model EN
All abstracts of papers, round tables and workshops will be included in the Conference Book of Abstracts.
Each participant may propose a maximum of two abstracts, as first author.
All questions related with the submission of abstracts should be sent to: