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Publication will be possible in special editions of two scientific journals and in a book of Conference Proceedings. However, presentation of work at the III International Conference RESMI 2021 does not imply that the resulting article will be accepted for publication in the journals or in the Proceedings, since each of these publications has an independent review process.

Participants in the Conference may submit their text for publication in the Proceedings, in the Journal Indagatio Didactica or in the Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, up to and including the 15th October 2021 to the following email: Each participant can submit only one text as first author autor and should indicate, on submission, to which publication they are submitting their text.  

Conference Proceedings: norms and templates here

Indagatio Didactica: norms and templates here

Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais: norms and templates

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